Health Services Academy

Health Services Academy

Promoting Public Health

Health Services Academy

Promoting Public Health

Post Graduate Diploma In Clinical Nutrition In Medical Therapeutics

Nutrition is an emerging science, and is gaining recognition on a global scale. Scientists and Medical professionals have begun to realize the importance nutrition plays for an individual’s well-being. Pharmacotherapy only manages symptoms of a disease. It is deemed incomplete without nutritional support. Malnutrition is often the root cause of origin for many diseases.

Program Length

It is One-Year program comprising of 2 semesters and each semesters’ duration is 6 months.

Methods of Assessment/Examination, Procedures and Rules:

Students will be evaluated during each course on the basis of
1. Formative assessment: which is a mix of the tests, end of course examination, class and home assignments, class participation, interactive discussions, practical exercises, field works and/or group works, end of course examination, depending on the course outline (ongoing assessment);
2. Summative assessment: based on the end of semester examination papers. Summative assessments are held at the end of semesters and comprises of semester examinations paper each.
Candidate holding a bachelor’s degree in nutrition , food or any similar field from a recognized university.

Age Limit

There is no Age-limit restrictions for admission in this Program.
Course Fee is Rs. 60,000 per semester.
Total fee for One Year Diploma is Rs.120,000 which is payable in two instalments.
International Students: USD 1000
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